Stock Portfolio Tracking Template
If you’ve been following the recent posts on this website, they have all revolved around money and investing. You can read the reasons for that in Talking About Money. One thing that seems to always come up when I talk to people about stocks and investing is, how do you track everything?
Each investor has their own preference, and typically use a combination of tools. One tool was a constant though, spreadsheets. It might be Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, or some other form of spreadsheets, but ever investor seems to have one they use. I am no different.
This is the Google Sheet I use to keep track of stock investments across different accounts and for different purposes. The sheet will automatically pull in stock quotes from Google Finance. Click the link to get a copy of the Sheet and some intructions on how to use it.
It has been adpated from other spreadsheets that have been shared by friends, and in forums.
The Google Sheet will let you track
- Total Amount Invested
- Average Amount Invested
- Date of Purchase
- Number of Shares
- Holding P/L
- Sold P/L
- Holding Duration
- Net Realized P/L
- Largest Gain
- Largest Loss
- Average Return
- Total Deposit in Multiple Accounts
- Total Appreciation in Multiple Accounts
Update April 9, 2021
- Cryptocurrencies - you can now track Bitcoin and Ethereum purchases. Prices are automatically pulled from Google Finance.
- Watchlist Sheet - Enter a Stock Symbol and the sheet will automatically populate with Current Price, 52 Week High/Low, 30 Day Chart, 120 Day Chart, and 1 Year Chart.
Have a question or want to discuss more? Send me a message, @swoicik, or join the discussion on GitHub.